Saturday 25 September 2010

A pictorial record of westward progress by Clive, Ces and Fugly.

To make it easy for you readers, the photos are in chronological order from top to bottom ... I know how everyone hates having to read from bottom to top ... it's just not intuitive in our imperial culture.

So going back to Day something or other, here we have ....

Rush hour on Mongolia's M1

Fugly disgorging its contents for transfer to the Yurt

High density living in Mongolia

Not bad eh ... if only we weren't so tired to enjoy it

Nice line of pinafores out here ...

Fugly in full flight ... or was it a stoppage ... because it seems uninhabited!!

Nice photo of Ces ... but who's that bloke with the 'tache? ... let's zoom in a bit

Hmmm ... still no idea ... I hope that Ces knows what she's doing!

Heeya ... circle the wagons ... hide the womenfolk!

Clive says that this is somewhere ... oh, ok ... that narrows down the options.

Presumably this is "somewhere else" ... but with snow on them thar hills!

Right ... now pay attention ... this is where the quiz section starts ... especially for all you mechanicals types reading the blog.

Identify the part of the car ... and the problem

Suggest a mechanical benefit achieved by the finger action ...
and what part of the car needed the said benefit ... and why?

Is Ces sweeping the floor of Fugly ... or about to blow a poison dart at Louis Chevrolet?
(for a bonus point, when did Chevrolet ban the Chevy abbreviation?)

Now we are moving from the mechanical category of the quiz to the managerial category ...

What is the motivational benefit of having a scruffy Managing Director standing around grinning?

What is good project management?   (hint: "the early bird catches the worm")
The question is:   Was the bird a little too early for breakfast?

Clive provides a locational clue to the answer of this picture ... he says that it is in the middle of nowhere.
I wonder if nowhere is anywhere near somewhere.

Clive says that this was Wash-Day.  
The question is:   Was this photo taken before washing or after washing?

Ok, that's the end of the quiz.   Now let's get back to the human interest aspects of the P2P, especially those aspects that involve pain and suffering.

I know that's frost on the car ... but it's only a short run to the outdoor showers
... here, don't forget your ladle!!
Let's smile for the camera ... even if we are suffering
... because this the very last night in a tent.

These were my favourite gloves ... and see what the gearchanging has done to the left one
... I wonder what "glove" is in Russian!

and the final photo ... Clive is moving into his truly artistic phase ... because he labeled this photo as Man on Bike ...
Man on Bike
... if you could just put the man in formaldehyde and pretend you were related to Damien Hirst ... you could sell that photo for £1000's.

PS:  For those of you who were curious about the banning of the name Chevy, I can confirm that Chevrolet banned the use of the term Chevy in June 2010.   Seriously.   But after getting a pasting in the press and by Chevy owners, Chevrolet revoked their decision.

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