Wednesday 29 September 2010

Day 20 - It's ok, I've left the keys in a safe place!

As Peter has already mentioned, we had another huge transit yesterday (Tuesday).  About 750 kms which was fairly uneventuful, apart from the 5am start.   Uneventful is definitely a blessing during these long transit days.

The car developed a very scary wheel wobble at around 50kph which was easily fixed by travelling at 100+ although this was an issue in the towns!    We thought it was the king-pins playing up, so last night upon arrival at the hotel, we tightened them and went to bed with fingers crossed.

However before going to bed, there was the matter of dinner.   That was a complicated affair with a choice between chicken with potatoes or nothing with nothing.  The chicken was lovely ... well, it did kinda look like chicken!    It reminded me of a Frankie Boyle joke where the diner asked:
"Is there a vegetarian option?"
to which the answer was:
"Yes, f*uck off!"

Another early start this morning but a short day to the Uzbekistan border.   All started well but the wheel-wobble was back with a vengance so I am no longer sure about the king-pins.   I've tightened all the steering system, so we'll see tomorrow.   For now we're in another Intercontinetal Hotel so all is very nice.

Getting here was an adventure, especially at the border when Ces asked
"Clive, where are the car keys?",
"It's ok Ces, I've left them in a safe place!"  I replied sheepishly.

I'd actually locked them inside the car!    One broken rear quarter light later and we were away .... luckily it's a nice temperature here (about 25 degrees) and the broken window is on Ces' side!

Exhibit A and Exhibit B - door handle that fell off in Mongolia
... and keys that Clive put in a safe place!!

We're a little bored (Clive, that's twice that you've been bored in an Intercontintal Hotel ... Peter) and waiting for the next time trials to start on Day 26 in Iran ... then we hope to start moving up the leaderboard.   Each day, cars break and some have even caught fire (Car 22 was burnt out) ... while this gets a notice on the board, it's not the way I want to get to the top of the board!

That's it for now, I am off for a beer with the huge wad of money I've been given.   It makes me feel like a millionaire, but is worth only £30!

This is only enough UZS to buy a round of drinks!
(UZS is symbol for Uzbekistan Sum, the local currency)

CD & Ces

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